IRIS Performer 2.2 Friends Demo
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* Copyright (C) Coryphaeus Software, Inc. 1994
* DWB Loader for Performer 2.0
#ifndef __PFDWB_H__
#define __PFDWB_H__
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
* Texture environment
#define DWB_TV_MODULATE 0x101
#define DWB_TV_BLEND 0x102
#define DWB_TV_DECAL 0x103
#define DWB_TV_COLOR 0x200
#define DWB_TV_SHADOW 0x104
#define DWB_TV_ALPHA 0x105
#define DWB_TV_I_GETS_R 0x310
#define DWB_TV_I_GETS_G 0x320
#define DWB_TV_I_GETS_B 0x330
#define DWB_TV_I_GETS_A 0x340
#define DWB_TV_IA_GETS_RG 0x350
#define DWB_TV_IA_GETS_BA 0x360
#define DWB_TV_I_GETS_I 0x370
#define DWB_TV_NULL 0x000
* Texture filters
#define DWB_TX_POINT 0x110
#define DWB_TX_BILINEAR 0x220
#define DWB_TX_MIPMAP 0x120
#define DWB_TX_MIPMAP_POINT 0x121
#define DWB_TX_MIPMAP_LINEAR 0x122
#define DWB_TX_BICUBIC 0x230
#define DWB_TX_SHARPEN 0x240
#define DWB_TX_ADD_DETAIL 0x260
#define DWB_TX_TRILINEAR 0x270
* Texture repeat modes
#define DWB_TX_REPEAT 0x301
#define DWB_TX_CLAMP 0x302
#define DWB_TX_SELECT 0x303
* Texture internal format
#define DWB_TX_I_12A_4 0x610
#define DWB_TX_IA_8 0x620
#define DWB_TX_RGB_5 0x630
#define DWB_TX_RGBA_4 0x640
#define DWB_TX_IA_12 0x650
#define DWB_TX_RGBA_8 0x660
#define DWB_TX_RGBA_12 0x670
#define DWB_TX_RGB_12 0x680
#define DWB_TX_I_16 0x690
* Texture external format
#define DWB_TX_PACK_8 0x710
#define DWB_TX_PACK_16 0x720
#define DWB_TX_PIXMODE 0x3000
* Decal modes
* Sequence modes
#define DWB_SEQ_CYCLE 0
#define DWB_SEQ_SWING 1
* PUBLIC functions
extern pfNode *pfdLoad_dwb ( char *_file );
* constants & macros...
#define CLIP_RECALCULATE 01 /* recalculate the clip region every frame*/
#define CLIP_INITIAL 02 /* only calculate a clip region once */
/* Designer's Workbench Format Version 2.005 opcodes */
#define DB_HEADER 6001 /* top level record */
#define DB_GROUP 6002 /* container node */
#define DB_SWITCH 6003 /* LOD */
#define DB_FACE 6005 /* poly/line/points/mesh*/
#define DB_VERTEX 6010 /* lowest level node */
#define DB_CONSTRUCTION 6011 /* list of const. pts */
#define DB_PACKED_VERTEX 6012 /* packed colr-not index*/
#define DB_BSPLINE 6020
#define DB_BSPLINE_KNOTS 6021
#define DB_LIGHT_PT 6023 /* face light point */
#define DB_ARC 6024 /* arcs */
#define DB_COMMENT 6031 /* user comments */
#define DB_COLOR_TABLE 6032 /* file color table */
#define DB_VIEW_PARAMS 6033 /* viewing parameters */
#define DB_NAME_STR 6040 /* dynamic length name */
#define DB_FONT_STR 6041 /* name of string font */
#define DB_STRING_STR 6042 /* string string */
#define DB_FILE_STR 6043 /* external file name */
#define DB_TEX_FILE_STR 6044 /* texture file name */
#define DB_MATRIX 6049 /* static coord. system */
#define DB_REPLICATE 6060 /* not implemented yet */
#define DB_INSTANCE_REF 6061 /* define node as instanance */
#define DB_INSTANCE_DEF 6062 /* define node as instanable */
#define DB_EXTERNAL 6063 /* external */
#define DB_EOF_EXTERNAL 6064 /* make end of external */
#define DB_STRING 6080 /* dynamic string node */
#define DB_PAGE 6081 /* perspective page node*/
#define DB_IMAGE 6082 /* 2D bitmap image node */
#define DB_PUSH 6090 /* push record */
#define DB_POP 6091 /* pop record */
#define DB_LINESTYLE_TABLE 6120 /* linestyle palette */
#define DB_MATERIAL_TABLE 6122 /* material palette */
#define DB_TEXTURE_TABLE 6123 /* texture palette */
#define DB_LSOURCE 6124 /* lightsource defn. */
#define DB_LMODEL 6125 /* lightmodel defn. */
#define DB_TEXMAP 6126 /* polygon Tex map def - dwb specific */
#define DB_LASTREC 6126 /*value of greatest opcode rec*/
/* file unit types - all coords stored as floating point*/
/* values. */
#define UT_METERS 0 /* most as in old-dwb */
#define UT_KILOMETERS 1 /* format */
#define UT_YARDS 2
#define UT_MILES 3
#define UT_FEET 4
#define UT_INCHES 5
/* unit conversion values */
#define NM_TO_METERS 1852.0 /* Assuming INTERNATIONAL naut. mile */
#define MILES_TO_METERS 1609.344/* Assuming US STATUTE mile */
#define YARDS_TO_METERS 0.9144
#define FEET_TO_METERS 0.3048
#define INCHES_TO_METERS 0.0254
#define KM_TO_METERS 1000.0
#define CM_TO_METERS 0.01
#define MM_TO_METERS 0.001
/* drawstyle.. how to globally draw the model If */
/* DS_SELECTIVE then group determines. Some of these */
/* values are used in the drawstyle/movestyle variable */
/* in the HEADER & the drawstyle field in the GROUP. */
/* Others refer to the the drawType of a FACE node. */
/* drawstyle */
#define DS_SOLID 1
#define DS_CLOSED_WIRE 2
#define DS_OPEN_WIRE 3
#define DS_POINTS 4
#define DS_WIRE 5
#define DS_WIRE_ON_MOVE 6
#define DS_POINT_ON_MOVE 7
#define DS_SELECTIVE 9
/* switch philosophies */
#define ST_DISTANCE 0
#define ST_THRESHOLD 1
/* shading models available */
#define SM_FLAT_NON_LIT 0
#define SM_ILLUMINATED 2 /* material binding decides whether flat/gouraud */
#define SM_SELECTIVE 3
/* poly types.Poly could be a collection of points, open*/
/* line or closed line primitive OR it could be a meshed*/
/* primitive. */
#define PT_POLY 0
#define PT_TMESH 1
#define PT_QMESH 2
/* zbuffer/backface/aa toggle defines */
#define TS_GLOBAL_OFF 0
#define TS_GLOBAL_ON 1
#define TS_SELECTIVE 2
/* background fill types. */
#define BF_FLAT 0
#define BF_INVERSE 1
#define BF_SHADED 2
/* string stuff */
#define ST_VECTOR 0
#define ST_RASTER 1
#define ST_POLYGON 2
#define LEFT_TO_RIGHT 0
#define RIGHT_TO_LEFT 1
#define TOP_TO_BOTTOM 2
#define BOTTOM_TO_TOP 3
#define H_ALIGN_LEFT 0
#define H_ALIGN_RIGHT 1
#define H_ALIGN_CENTER 2
#define V_ALIGN_BOTTOM 0
#define V_ALIGN_TOP 1
#define V_ALIGN_CENTER 2
/* Material binding types */
#define MB_PER_GROUP 1
#define MB_PER_FACE 2
#define MB_PER_VERTEX 3
#define MB_SELECTIVE 4
/* vertex sort types */
#define TEXTURED_VERT 8 /* offset for texture variant */
#define VT_FLAT_VERTEX 1
/* up vector */
#define X_UP 1
#define Y_UP 2
#define Z_UP 3
/* Misc... */
#define DWB_MAX_TEXTURES 1024
#define DWB_VLISTSIZE 2048 /* Chunk size of vertex lists */
#define PACKED_COLOR_INDEX 3840 /* *special* index for cpack colored vertices */
* Designer's Workbench Version 2 Disk Records
/* dwbOpcodeRec */
/* store the record opcode & size of the follow */
/* ing record. Size doesn't include the 4 byte */
/* dwb_OPCODE_REC. */
typedef struct _dwbOpcodeRec
short opcode;
short size;
/* dwbUserRec */
/* convenience struct to hold user data */
/* fields that can be stored in most of the */
/* node types. */
typedef struct _dwbUserRec
int ifields[2]; /* couple of ints - */
float ffields[2]; /* couple of floats for user's use.Saved*/
}dwbUserRec; /* and restored by dwb. */
/* dwbHeader */
/* top-level database struct for any model */
/* loaded */
typedef struct _dwbHeader
short units; /* different unit types */
short reserved; /* spare */
float version; /* file format revision */
char lastrev[32]; /* time/date written to disk. */
short next_node_ids[6]; /* Ids to auto generate a new node name */
/* order is group,switch,face,string, */
/* image & page. */
float bbox[6]; /* bbox of entire model... order is bx */
/* by, bz, lx, ly, lz */
short drawstyle; /* how to (globally) draw this model */
short movestyle; /* How to (globally) draw the model when*/
/* moving */
short shademodel; /* How to (globally) shade the model */
short zbuffer; /* global zbuffer state */
short backface; /* global backface removal state */
short concave; /* global concave state */
unsigned invalid_view_hint: 1; /* tell dwb to recalc the view */
unsigned sparebits: 31; /* reserved for future use. */
} flags; /* 4 bytes bit-flags */
dwbUserRec udata; /* user fields */
float spare[4]; /* reserved for future use. */
short spare2; /* reserved for future use. */
short color; /* backround color index */
short material_binding; /* how to globally use materials */
short transparency; /* global transparency on/off */
short texture; /* global texture on/off */
short up_axis; /* y is up or z is up in the database */
int spare4[46];
/* dwbGridInfo */
/* holds the info on a grid location etc */
typedef struct _dwbGridInfo
short grid_on; /* display it or not */
short grid_zbuffer; /* zbuffer the grid */
short grid_draw_after; /* draw it after the model geometry */
short grid_snap; /* snap to grid is on. */
short grid_orientation; /* XY,FACE etc */
float grid_xmajor; /* distance between major divisions in x*/
float grid_ymajor; /* distance between major divisions in y*/
short grid_xminor; /* num minor divs between major divs - x*/
short grid_yminor; /* num minor divs between major divs - y*/
float grid_width; /* real-world width of the entire grid */
float grid_height; /* real-world height of the entire grid */
float grid_pos[3]; /* position of the grid center in 3D */
float grid_normal[3]; /* normal to plane of the grid. */
float grid_mat[4][4]; /* orientation (rotation) matrix */
float grid_rot; /* not used */
float grid_edge_pt1[3]; /* not used */
float grid_edge_pt2[3]; /* not used */
float grid_offset; /* offset from "correct plane" along */
/* normal to plane. */
/* dwbView */
/* structure to store the view params etc so */
/* that the user can go back to them later. */
typedef struct _dwbView
float eye_p; /* pitch angle */
float eye_r; /* roll angle */
float eye_h; /* yaw angle */
float eye_x; /* eyepoint XYZ */
float eye_y;
float eye_z;
float fov; /* field of view */
float near; /* near clipping plane location */
float far; /* far clipping plane location */
float model_x; /* model position normally at origin */
float model_y;
float model_z;
float mat[4][4]; /* quarernion transformation matrix */
float quat[4]; /* quaternion direction */
float model_p; /* components of matrix */
float model_r;
float model_h;
float cen_bx,cen_by,cen_bz; /* display centroid region */
float cen_lx,cen_ly,cen_lz;
dwbGridInfo gridinfo; /* grid parameters */
short auto_clipplanes;
short background_clear_type; /* 0 = BF_FLAT
2 = BF_SHADED */
short spare;
float spare2[10]; /* future expansion */
} dwbView;
/* dwbColorTable */
/* This is the same as the old dwb color table */
typedef struct _dwbColorTable
short shaded [31][3]; /* brightest colors of 128 intensities */
short fixed [64][3]; /* fixed RGB values. */
short overlay[16][3]; /* geometry with these colors use ovlays*/
short underlay[16][3]; /* use underlays */
short spare [32][3];
short spare2;
} dwbColorTable;
/* dwbTexInfo */
/* texture info ref FOR THIS FILE. */
typedef struct _dwbTexInfo
short xsize; /* x size of texture in texels */
short ysize; /* y size of texture in texels */
short zsize; /* number of texture components */
short type; /* RLE or varbatim */
float minfilter; /* TX_POINT, TX_BILINEAR, etc etc */
float magfilter; /* TX_POINT, TX_BILINEAR etc etc */
float wrap; /* TX_REPEAT, TX_CLAMP, TX_SELECT */
float wraps; /* S only */
float wrapt; /* T only */
float envtype; /* texture environment */
int spare [ 16 ];
/* dwbExtTexInfo */
/* extended texture info FOR THIS FILE. */
/* Supported only from V3.0 of the DWB format */
typedef struct _dwbExtTexInfo
/* initial part of record is exactly the same as the old */
/* record. The opcode will be the same. Based on record size*/
/* the user can read into the appropriate record. */
short xsize; /* x size of texture */
short ysize; /* y size of texture */
short zsize; /* num of texture components*/
short type; /* RLE or varbatim */
float minfilter; /* TX_POINT,TX_BILINEAR, etc*/
float magfilter; /* TX_POINT,TX_BILINEAR etc*/
float wrap; /* TX_REPEAT, TX_CLAMP, etc */
float wraps; /* S only */
float wrapt; /* T only */
float envtype; /* texture environment */
float version; /* DWB format version */
unsigned enabled: 1; /* This texture is on */
unsigned magfilter_split: 1;/* individual mag alpha/colr*/
unsigned wrap_split: 1; /* individual S & T wrap */
unsigned internal: 1; /* internal image storage */
unsigned external: 1; /* external image storage */
unsigned mipmap_filter: 1; /* kernal filters */
unsigned bicubic_filter: 1;
unsigned control_points: 1; /* for sharp/detail texture */
unsigned tile: 1; /* tile into larger texture */
unsigned detail: 1; /* Texture is a detail tex */
unsigned fast_define: 1; /* GL will use user's array */
unsigned component_select: 1;
unsigned sparebits: 20; /* future info */
float component_select; /* use of 1,2 tex comp. */
float envcolor[4]; /* TEV color */
float magfilter_alpha;
float magfilter_color;
float bicubic_filter[2]; /* affects BICUBIC min/mag */
float mipmap_filter[8]; /* generate mipmap levels */
float internal; /* internal storage hint */
float external; /* external image storage */
float control_points[4][2]; /* detail/sharpen controls */
float control_clamp;
float detail[5]; /* J,K,M,N,Scramble */
float tile[4]; /* tile into the texture */
float spare [73];
typedef struct _dwbTexture
char *name;
dwbExtTexInfo tex;
typedef struct _dwbMaterial
float diffuse[3];
float ambient[3];
float shininess;
float specular[3];
float emissive[3];
float alpha;
float spare[2];
/* dwbMatInfo */
/* material info ref FOR THIS FILE. */
typedef struct _dwbMatInfo
struct /* bit-flag structures. */
unsigned sparebits: 32;
dwbMaterial mat;
int spare5 [ 23 ];
/* dwbLSourceInfo */
/* light-source info ref FOR THIS FILE. */
typedef struct _dwbLSourceInfo
unsigned sparebits: 32;
}flags; /* bit-flag structure. */
float defn[15]; /* light-source defn. */
int spare5 [ 12 ];
/* dwbLModelInfo */
/* light-model info ref FOR THIS FILE. */
typedef struct _dwbLModelInfo
unsigned sparebits: 32;
}flags; /* bit-flag structures. */
float defn[8]; /* light-model defn. */
int spare5 [ 11 ];
/* dwbLineStyle */
/* texture info ref FOR THIS FILE. */
typedef struct _dwbLineStyle
unsigned short lstyle; /* linestyle index */
short repeat; /* lsrepeat factor. */
int spare[2];
/* dwbGroup */
/* General container group - can parent anything*/
/* except a HEADER. Special case of a group is */
/* when it defines a perspective viewport or a */
/* clip region. */
/* */
/* This has changed since the 2.1 version. */
/* fields that were unused before have been */
/* renamed and are used and new fields have */
/* introduced, which are: */
/* short surfaceType; [old: short spare ] */
/* unsigned road_object: 1; [old: didn't exist] */
/* short decal_type; [old: short spare2] */
/* short seq_random; [old: short spare3] */
typedef struct {
unsigned perspective:1; /* perspective group in page-group-ovl */
unsigned region_def:1; /* viewport defined */
unsigned clip_region: 1;/* mask region type */
unsigned pages: 1; /* has pages - not necessarily persp */
unsigned renderGrp: 1; /* grp is parent of at least 1 drawable */
unsigned decal: 1; /* coplanar geometry group */
unsigned billboard: 1; /* billboard geometry group */
unsigned sequence: 1; /* sequence geometry group */
unsigned sparebits: 24;
} Grp_flags;
typedef struct _dwbGroup
short layer; /* relative priority */
short color; /* color index */
short drawstyle; /* draw this group (lines,solid etc) */
short shademodel; /* flat,gouraud etc */
short linestyle; /* linestyle for this group. */
short linewidth; /* linewidth for this group. */
short fill_pattern; /* not used. */
short texture; /* not used - texture defined by face */
float transparency; /* 0.0 -> 1.0, 1.o is totally opaque. */
short material; /* material palette index. */
short use_group_color; /* use group color rather than primitive*/
short use_group_dstyle; /* use group dstyle or inherit global. */
short surfaceType;
float bbox[6]; /* bbox of entire model... order is lx */
/* bx, ly, by, lz, bz */
Grp_flags grp_flags;
struct /* following flags take effect when */
{ /* approp' graphics option is SELECTIVE */
unsigned zbuffer:1; /* This group drawn with zbuffer TRUE */
unsigned backface:1; /* This group drawn with backface TRUE */
unsigned texture: 1; /* This group drawn with texture enabled*/
unsigned aa_lines: 1; /* switch on line aa for this group */
unsigned aa_polys: 1; /* not implemented */
unsigned concave: 1; /* This group drawn with concave TRUE */
unsigned displist: 1; /* not implemented */
unsigned sparebits2: 25;
struct /* following flags have no visual effect*/
{ /* for real-time use only. */
unsigned day_object:1;
unsigned night_object:1;
unsigned dusk_object:1;
unsigned shadow_object: 1;
unsigned terrain_object: 1;
unsigned road_object: 1;
unsigned sparebits3: 26;
float ll[3]; /* lower-left viewport/clip-region pt. */
float ur[3]; /* upper-right viewport/clip-region pt. */
float center[3]; /* not used. */
dwbUserRec udata; /* user fields */
short material_binding; /* how to bind materials for this group */
/* if mat-binding is SELECTIVE */
short decal_type; /* displace poly or stencil */
unsigned int packed_color; /* use this color if the color index is */
/* 3840 - signifies direct color map */
short collapsed; /* structure chart indicator */
short seq_mode; /* 0 = cycle, 1 = swing */
float seq_time; /* frame time */
float seq_speed; /* sequence time */
short seq_nreps; /* number of repeats */
short seq_bgn; /* beging index */
short seq_end; /* end index */
short seq_random; /* randomly draw children */
float spare5[4]; /* spare fields 4 bytes each */
/* dwbPage */
/* A 1 of many switch. Based on active-page ID */
/* Page is typically used to setup a perspective*/
/* viewport for MFD (multi-function display) */
typedef struct _dwbPage
short layer;
short color;
short pageid;
short spare;
unsigned perspective:1; /* TRUE if viewparms used */
unsigned active:1; /* TRUE if displayed */
unsigned sparebits: 30;
} flags;
float fov;
float aspect;
/* model orientation in the viewport */
float pitch;
float roll;
float heading;
float scale;
float eyept[3];
float pgcen[3]; /* center of page geometry bbox */
dwbUserRec udata; /* user HEADER-stored fields */
float azim; /* lookat parameters */
float elev;
float twist;
unsigned int packed_color; /* use this color if the color index is */
/* 3840 - signifies direct color map */
float spare2[6];
/* dwbSwitch */
/* Either an additive LOD or switchable */
/* depending on distance to the eye. */
typedef struct _dwbSwitch
short layer; /* relative priority - not used */
short spare;
short switchtype; /* either distance or threshold */
short threshold; /* switch in threshold value */
float switchin; /* switchin (distance) value */
float switchout; /* switchout(distance) value */
float center[3]; /* center of LOD block */
unsigned sparebits: 32;
dwbUserRec udata; /* user fields */
int spare2[12];
/* dwbFace */
/* Dwb Polygon primitive.A poy could be a */
/* colection of points, an open/closed wire, a */
/* poly with n verts or a mesh primitive. */
typedef struct _dwbFace
short layer; /* relative priority - not used */
short color; /* poly color index. */
short numverts; /* number of vertices in this poly */
short ptype; /* poly,tmesh or qmesh */
short linewidth; /* for wire-drawn styles. */
short drawstyle;
short linestyle; /* line palatte index */
short back_color; /* colour of backfaced poly */
short texture; /* texture palette index */
short material; /* not used - group defines. */
float ir; /* not used. */
unsigned vertColors: 1; /* verts have different colors than poly*/
unsigned sparebits: 31;
} flags;
dwbUserRec udata; /* user HEADER-stored fields */
unsigned int packed_color; /* use this color if the color index is */
/* 3840 - signifies direct color map */
float spare2[7];
/* dwbNewFace - from version 3.0, has additional */
/* fields to take care detail texturing, light */
/* point size and so on... */
/* size of the record is the same as the old one */
typedef struct _dwbNewFace {
short layer; /* relative priority - not used */
short color; /* poly color index. */
short numverts; /* number of vertices in this poly */
short ptype; /* poly, tmesh, qmesh, bspline, light_pt*/
short linewidth; /* for wire-drawn styles. */
short drawstyle;
short linestyle; /* line palatte index */
short back_color; /* colour of backfaced poly */
short texture; /* texture palette index */
short pntsize; /* if ptype == LIGHTPOINT */
/* This is *VERY* important. This field (pntsize) is not used in */
/* the older versions though it's present in the name of material. */
/* To keep the loader simple, this new structure is used even while */
/* loading older versions. The newer versions might use this field */
/* when the face type is LIGHTPOINT and they will address this field*/
/* as given above. */
float ir; /* infra-red, not used */
struct {
unsigned vertColors: 1;
unsigned intersection: 1; /* poly is part of a road intersection */
unsigned sparebits: 30;
} flags;
dwbUserRec udata; /* user HEADER-stored fields */
unsigned int packed_color; /* use this color if the color index is */
/* 3840 - signifies direct color map */
struct {
unsigned road: 1;
unsigned intersection: 1;
unsigned sparebits: 30;
} ig_flags;
short colapsed;
short detail_tex; /* detail texture index */
short surface_material_code;/* used by DFAD */
short feature_id; /* used by DFAD */
short alt_texture; /* ignored */
short material; /* ignored */
float spare2[3];
} dwbNewFace;
/* dwbString */
/* Dynamic string primitive - could be raster or*/
/* vector.string value & font name follow dwb_ */
/* STRING record because both are dynamic */
/* length. */
typedef struct _dwbString
short layer; /* relative priority - not used */
short type; /* vector, raster, polygon */
short color;
unsigned boldface:1;
unsigned slanted:1;
unsigned underline:1;
unsigned strikeout:1;
unsigned text_entry:1;
unsigned sparebits:27;
} flags;
short linewidth; /* vector pixel width */
float vfont_width; /* width multiplier */
float vfont_height; /* height multiplier */
float vfont_exp; /* expansion factor */
unsigned vfont_display; /* justification,alignment etc */
short direction; /* Left-to-right, right-to-left etc */
short horiz_alignment; /* left, right,center */
short vert_alignment; /* baseline, top, center */
float matrix[4][4]; /* vector orientation matrix */
float coords[3]; /* string origin in 3D database coords */
dwbUserRec udata; /* user HEADER-stored fields */
unsigned int packed_color; /* use this color if the color index is */
/* 3840 - signifies direct color map */
float spare[9];
/* dwbImage */
/* render a 2D bit-mapped image - old fashioned */
/* (or non-texture machine) way of doing moving */
/* map displays.image filename follows dwb_IMAGE*/
/* structure (dynamic length) */
typedef struct _dwbImage
short layer; /* relative priority - not used */
short spare;
unsigned sparebits:32;
} flags;
float xzoom; /* rectzoom factors */
float yzoom;
int xsize; /* size in pixels */
int ysize;
float coords[3]; /* 3D database coordinate */
dwbUserRec udata; /* user HEADER-stored fields */
int spare2[14];
/* dwbVertex */
/* all vertices in dwb have color - normal info */
typedef struct _dwbVertex
short spare; /* not used */
short color; /* index into color_table */
float coords[3]; /* xyz position values */
float normal[3];
float tex_coords[4]; /* texture coordinates */
/* dwbPackedVertex */
/* As above but contains packed color instead of*/
/* an index into the color table. */
typedef struct _dwbPackedVertex
unsigned int packed_color; /* in cpack format */
float coords[3]; /* xyz position values */
float normal[3];
float tex_coords[4]; /* texture coordinates */
typedef struct _dwbInstanceDef
short val;
short spare;
} dwbInstanceDef;
typedef struct _dwbInstanceRef
short val;
short spare;
float mat[4][4];
} dwbInstanceRef;
typedef struct _instRefList
pfNode *node;
dwbInstanceDef inst;
struct _instRefList *next;
} instRefList;
typedef struct _refBeforeDefList
pfNode *parent;
dwbInstanceRef inst;
struct _refBeforeDefList *next;
} refBeforeDefList;
typedef struct _treeStack
pfNode *parent;
pfNode *current;
float balance[2]; /*quadword align */
} treeStack;
#define STACKSIZE 25
typedef struct _groupValues
int shading;
int binding;
int backface;
int drawstyle;
int zbuffer;
int material;
float alpha;
int texture;
} groupValues;
#define VERTS_PER_LINE 256 /* only support lines up to 256 verts long */
typedef struct _myLines
int numVerts;
int cbind;
pfVec3 coords[VERTS_PER_LINE];
pfVec3 norms [VERTS_PER_LINE];
pfVec4 colors[VERTS_PER_LINE];
struct _myLines *next;
} myLines;
/* dwbGeoState */
/* some of the more widely changed render state */
/* info. This could also include fog, light */
/* model etc */
typedef struct _dwbGeoState
groupValues values;
pfGeoState *pfgs;
pfdGeoBuilder *builder;
myLines *lineList;
struct _dwbGeoState *next;
} dwbGeoState;
/* structure that will contain the file to be loaded in memory */
/* and the pointers needed to access that data */
typedef struct MemPtr {
char *ptr;
int pos; /* offset from file */
int length; /* length of the file */
} memPtr;
/* dwbFile */
/* runtime info and Performer sub-tree as the */
/* file is being loaded. */
typedef struct _dwbFile
char fname[PF_MAXSTRING];
memPtr file; /* copy of file in memory buffer */
pfGroup *root;
dwbHeader header;
float colorTable[4224][3]; /* all shades available in RGB */
dwbMatInfo *materialTable;
pfMaterial **materials;
int materialsRead;
dwbTexture *textureTable;
int texturesRead;
instRefList *instList; /* contains list of instance definitions */
refBeforeDefList *refList; /* contains list of instance references */
/* before they have been defined */
dwbGeoState *gsList; /*global list of ALL dwbGeoStates in this model */
int treeDepth;
treeStack *stack;
int stackDepth;
float unitChange;
groupValues currentGroup; /* contains the values of the */
/* most recently read group */
float spare[3]; /* quadword align */
float lodScale; /*lod scale for externals */
int *pfTexIndex; /* local mapping of tex indice into */
/* global texture table */
int containsInstancing; /* set when an instance or link is set */
int refBeforeDef; /* instances are referred before defined */
int insideExternal; /* set to indicate that an external is being */
/* processed */
int renderGroup; /* set when the currentGroup is a */
/* render group */
} dwbFile;
typedef struct _dwbMatrix
float mat[4][4];
} dwbMatrix;
/* dwbBSpline */
typedef struct _dwbBSpline
int order;
int numKnots;
int drawCntrlPnts;
short spare[2];
float spare3[6];
/* dwbArc */
typedef struct _dwbArc
float pfOrigin[3];
float fStartAngle;
float fEndAngle;
float fRadius;
float pfNormal[3];
float matrix[4][4];
short drawstyle;
short layer;
short color;
short linewidth;
short linestyle;
struct {
unsigned sparebits: 32;
} flags;
dwbUserRec udata;
unsigned int packed_color;
float spare2[8];
} dwbArc;
* Light point structures
/* dwbLightPtRec */
/* This is a special node of "additional" info. associated with the prev*/
/* read dwbfaceRec Node. That face was flagged as a bspline face. There */
/* will be 2 variable-length additional records following this one. one */
/* is the knots array and one is the control points array */
/* */
typedef struct _dwbLightPt
short ltype; /* light type as follows... */
/* 1 = RUNWAY */
/* 3 = MED_INT_RUNWAY */
/* 5 = TOUCHDOWN */
/* 6 = CENTERLINE */
/* 8 = ALS */
/* 9 = HIGH_INT_ALS */
/* 10 = MED_INT_ALS */
/* 12 = ALSF_I */
/* 13 = ALSF_II */
/* 14 = SHORT_ALSF */
/* 15 = MED_ALSF */
/* 17 = SHORT_ALS */
/* 18 = MED_ALS */
/* 19 = LDIN */
/* 20 = ODALS */
/* 21 = VASI */
/* 22 = VASI_3BAR */
/* 23 = TVASI */
/* 24 = PAPI */
/* 25 = THRESHOLD */
/* 26 = TAXIWAY */
/* 27 = BEACON */
/* 28 = OBSTRUCTION */
/* 30 = VEHICLE_FRONT */
/* 31 = VEHICLE_REAR */
/* 32 = CITY */
short directionality; /* 1 = omni directional */
/* 2 = uni directional */
/* 3 = bi directional */
short shape; /* 1 = single point */
/* 2 = straight string */
/* 3 = curved string */
/* 4 = random */
short suppress_last_light; /* dont draw last light (eg last*/
/* light is first light in */
/* another string) */
float dir[3]; /* normalized direction vector */
float lwidth; /* angle around vector */
float lheight; /* angle around vector */
float diam; /* diameter of the bulb */
double intensity; /* real world intensity - */
/* candelas ? */
double intensity_variance; /* ie along a string or with */
/* time */
float calligraphic_priority; /* 1.0 is please make this light*/
/* pt node calligraphic */
float spare2[13];
typedef struct _dwbLightString
float position[3];
struct _dwbLightString *next;
double qwa;
} dwbLightString;
/* The following macros have been implemented to have exactly the same */
/* functionality as fread & fseek but operate on a memory buffer instead */
/* of a file. This speeds up processing considerably at the expense of */
/* error checking on the number of bytes read. They should be used by any */
/* user defined callbacks to access the file structure */
#define memRead(toPtr,size, nitems, filePtr) \
{ \
memcpy((toPtr),((filePtr)->ptr + (filePtr)->pos), (size) * (nitems)); \
(filePtr)->pos += (size) * (nitems); \
#define memSeek(filePtr, offset, pos2) \
switch (pos2) { \
case SEEK_SET: (filePtr)->pos = offset; break; \
case SEEK_CUR: (filePtr)->pos += offset; \
break; \
} \
int setUserFuncs(int type, int (func)(int type, void *rec,
pfNode *current, pfNode *parent, memPtr *ifp));
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* __PFDWB_H__ */